a Littlebit

Turn your everyday card payments into automatic Bitcoin savings.

Soon on

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Visa and Mastercand logos

Saves in

Bitcoin logo
Littlebit app mockup

Here's how it works

Littlebit helps you save by setting aside a little extra every time you pay by card. The app then invests these savings into bitcoin.

Get the comfort without the effort

Your card. Your savings. Your future.

Hands holding phone with Littlebit app
Hands holding phone with Littlebit app
Woman paying with phone
Woman paying with her credit card
Man enjoying a cup of coffee
Man enjoying a cup of coffee

See the potential of long-term savings

It is never too late to start investing regularly

Spendings: $1000

Valued in bitcoin


Saved in money



in 5 years


Choose how much to invest in addition to each payment.

Avatar of woman
Avatar of a man
Avatar of a man

Everything you expect

and a Littlebit more


We verify and identify every user and protect your data with state-of-the-art security.

Littlebit app mockup

Withdraw anytime

Your funds are never used for other purposes and are ready for immediate withdrawal.


Bitcoin has demonstrated resilience through downturns, bouncing back from every downturn and reaching new all-time highs.


We are building a collaborative space where informed and secure investing is our shared goal.

Contact us
Happy man with a cup of coffee smiling in his car

Every card tap counts.

Bitcoin never sleeps. We keep watch.

Littlebit Allows You To Easily Invest Your Savings In Bitcoin

Bitcoin has smashed records. Should you invest?

"If you consistently save bitcoin in small amounts over time, history shows there’s virtually no chance you’d end up at a loss."

Jan Záruba, CEO BitDCA

Do you have a question or need help?